juice 1Can vegetable and fruit juices really turbocharge vitality and sharpen your edge? There are many health benefits of drinking fresh juice, especially if it’s made of ingredients you normally would not eat. Home juicing machine costs from $30 to more than $400 and you need it to turn raw vegetable and fruits into a liquid. Besides the equipment, you’ll need ingredients and recipes, because not every food combination is good for everybody. For example, if you have constipation issues, 4 effective juicing recipes for constipation will be useful to you, while people with different problems will benefit from different juices. Anyhow, we would like to help you get the best from juicing in the healthiest possible way!

juice 2We all know that fruits and vegetables have many vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients that can help protect against inflammatory diseases, cardiovascular disease, cancer etc. Although some people claim that our body absorbs more nutrients from juice than the whole vegetables and fruits, there’s not much research out there that proves it. But, one thing is certain: juicing makes it easier to consume some foods on regular basis. However, you should try to eat whole fruits and vegetables as often as possible.

orange-juice-When preparing your own healthy juice, try to make only as much liquid as you would like to consume at one time. If you don’t consume it right away, a juice can harbor pathogen bacteria and cause food intoxication. When talking about food safety, before putting fruits and vegetables in a juicing machine, you should wash them thoroughly to remove bacteria, pesticides and dirt. Make sure your utensils and cutting board are clean, too. Another reason why juices should be drunk the same day they are pressed is the fact that a juice begins to oxidize as soon as it meets the air and that compromises its nutritional value. If, however, you store a juice in the refrigerator in the a tightly sealed glass jars, this process can be slowed.

When to drink a juice? To maximize the amount of healthy nutrients absorbed into the body, you should drink juice on an empty stomach and approximately an hour before eating a meal. Nevertheless, even if you cannot drink a juice during the recommended window, freshly pressed juice is always loaded with numerous health benefits.

There are diets which predominantly consists of juice and if you decide to follow such an eating plan, make sure you consume enough calories per day depending on your own metabolic needs. A juice cleanse doesn’t mean starving yourself. In order to stay healthy, your body needs a sufficient amount of nutrients and calories. Don’t forget to eat fibers, because they will keep your digestive system working smoothly.

Basically, juicing is extracting the juice from whole veggies and fruits. But, isn’t it more convenient to buy ready-made juices at the store instead of making them ourselves? The nutrients in the store-bought juices have been pasteurized, therefore their quality and quantity is nowhere near the fresh homemade juices made from whole fruits and vegetables. Not only does juicing allow the preservation of the natural minerals, vitamins and enzymes, you can also combine veggies and fruit just as you like and need them. For example, if you know 6 refreshing juicing recipes for hair growth, you won’t find any of those combination of ingredients in the store-bought juices, right? That is why this juicing trend has become increasingly popular among people who want to solve medical issues and stay healthy.