PRP TherapyA non-surgical procedure named Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy has created a great hope among sportspersons as well as laypeople. The procedure was originally intended to cure musculoskeletal injuries in athletes. The sore knee of Tiger Woods was reportedly treated with this procedure and also Hines Ward of Pittsburgh Steelers received it for an injured knee ligament right before playing a major role in the Super Bowl victory of the team. Sportspersons who undergo chronic pains from osteoarthritis or tendon injuries may get relief finally with the PRP Therapy. But now PRP is showing a new ray of hope for other types of disorders too. It’s interesting to see what the therapy exactly is.

What is PRP Therapy?

PRP therapy uses platelets from the patient’s own blood to regenerate a damaged cartilage or tendon. This is useful not only in relieving pain, but also in accelerating the healing process.

The procedure is carried out in an examination room and is done within an hour. Firstly, the blood of the patient is taken out and placed in a centrifuge for around 15 minutes so that the platelets are separated. Then the plasma enriched with platelets is injected in the damaged part of the cartilage or tendon, while being guided by an ultrasound machine.

Post-procedure Care

After the PRP procedure, for the first six weeks, the patient has to take rest and physiotherapy. After around 6 to 12 weeks the improvement in the injury is evaluated. More than one PRP injection may be needed for serious injuries to get successful results. Most PRP patients can return to their normal routine within 3 months.

Why Does Platelet-rich Plasma Heal Wounds Fast?

The platelet-rich plasma has something called growth factors that have power to start and speed up some processes that help in tissue recovery and healing of wounds. There are different types of growth factors like IGF (Insulin-like growth factor), EGF (Epidermal growth factor), PDGF (Platelet-derived growth factor) and more. They help healing through:

  • Suppressing release of cytokine and thereby discouraging inflammation
  • Attracting undistinguished stem cells towards the newly formed structure and starting cell division
  • Attracting macrophages towards the site and improving cell regeneration
  • Promoting formation of new blood vessels

Other Indications where PRP can be Used

Other than tendon and cartilage injuries, PRP can be used in:

  • Diabetic foot ulcers
  • Arterial and venous leg ulcers
  • Bedsores
  • Thermal burns (1st and 2nd degree)
  • Superficial cuts, injuries, abrasions and surgical wounds
  • Facial rejuvenation – to treat fine lines, wrinkles and discoloration
  • Hair loss disorders – it has been proven that PRP reinvigorates inactive hair follicles and encourages new hair growth performs various cosmetic procedures including PRP Therapy, Skincare Treatments, Facial Treatments, and more. Here priority is given to patient education, state-of-the-art techniques and the highest quality.