Life can appear like a big headache for people who suffer from migraine. Over 26 million people of America suffer from migraine regularly and 70% among them are women. Majority of people start with getting migraines between 6 to 25 years of age and the condition runs through the families normally. Though the physiological mechanism of these migraines is not completely understood, researchers say that they occur when different factors activate the trigeminal nerve inside the brain to beat and the arteries inside the head to get dilated more than expected.

Different types of migraines

There are two basic types of migraine headaches, classic and common. Common migraines start as a doltish headache that eventually increases into throbbing and severe pain. People who suffer from migraine always experience vomiting, nausea and sensitivity to light. Classic migraines can last for a week or more sometimes, start with an atmosphere, which is distinguished by a range of flashing lights, an aura effect etc. The next stage often is insensitivity on one side of the face and difficulty in speaking or dizziness.


Various conditions activate or triggers migraines in various people. Particular weather, food, stress and fatigue can bring migraines in exposed individuals. To make the matter more complicated, a specific trigger might lead to migraine at the moment, but it may not do the same next week. Similarly, one treatment work for one person but the same treatment may not treat the other person. Birth control pills, pregnancy, menopause, hormone replacement and menstrual cycles have been associated with migraines and are considered to the reason for why migraines are common in women. Hormonal fluctuation is one of the main reasons. There are examples where a woman’s migraines reduced when she got pregnant and came back after the baby was born, the strange thing was, her migraine worsened when she got pregnant with her second child. Extreme environmental aspects such as high humidity and barometer pressure also cause migraines in some individuals. Other triggers are smells from chemicals, food products, bright light, smoke etc. So, it is different for different people, it is never the same reason.